COMPLEX DREAM is a visual novel set in Kimi Idol School, located in early 2009. You play as Fujita Asuka, the younger daughter of the Fujita family. Against her family wishes, she gets intro an idol school. She debuts with Ichuugo♡bakudaai after two years of training. However, in their debut they realize that the school will not finance futher concerts and performances. Despite this, Asuka and the other members work hard to gain popularity to become the number one girlgroup in the industry. There are seven endings, corresponding to the 6 bandmates and a secret ending, each ending leads Asuka to a different lifestyle at the end of the game.
Complex dream only covers a year of the complex universe, which means it sets only on 2009.

Complex dream contains mature themes such as murder, abuse, adult material, and drugs. Made with Ren'Py.